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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Good Saturday morning!

I am in writing mode today. I woke up feeling extremely well rested and was in a bubbly mood, even without my first 20 oz of heaven! Working on the second cup, kids are content with Tom and Jerry and the two Bills are still in bed. Life's good!

Today is going to be all about the edits. I got into chapter 3 last night and things started flowing more smoothly, even without the ripping and shredding of the red pen. That would be a good thing, considering Mom has the one and only red pen I could find! =)

Later taters!


  1. Hello!

    Told you I was scouring the blog. Hope your editing is going better than my revision! I can throw some red pens over if you need them!!

    Talk to you soooon


  2. Haven't gotten off the web yet. *sigh*
    Thanks for visiting! =)
